I rooted my Mobile Device to test something in WhatsApp, tried bypass maximum members limit in a group, but the method didn’t work anymore.
But programs of my bank stopped working, they were disabled to work in rooted mobiles, I Unrooted Mobile but footprints of root were still existed and the bank program didn’t work.
I had to reinstall the entire Firmware, after hours of searching, I found how to do it, I’d like to share my experience to save time from anyone trying to do so.
This method essentially doesn’t require a rooted device and the Firmware only applicable to HUAWEI GR5 Firmware KII-L21
This will erase all data and apps and reset the phone’s software to the Firmware we use.
- Download the official Firmware (1.5 GB) from this link https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjCoo32OvSxQlh7imzrmUmeLCjv3
- Extract the file and put file UPDATE.APP in SD card in this path SD_CARD/dload/UPDATE.APP
- Input this code in the phone’s dialer *#*#2846579#*#* and choose Software Upgrade
- Phone restarts and install the new Firmware.
Congratulations, your phone is new.
After setting phone configuration, Update your phone
go to Settings -> Update, this will update Phone Firmware from KII-L21_C185B321CUSTC185D001 to KII-L21_C185B321CUSTC185D002
One response to “HUAWEI GR5 KII-L21 Firmware”
Thanks alot my bro,
your link help me too much to restore my old smartphone GR5 after software crashed.